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Eastern District of Texas

Honorable Amos L. Mazzant, III, Chief Judge
David A. O'Toole, Clerk of Court

Transcript Rates - All Parties

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Transcript Per Page Rates for Fiscal Year 2025

NOTE: The availability of the transcript delivery categories listed in the rows below 30-Day (Ordinary) is not guaranteed:

·    Pursuant to Section 7.b. of the Management Plan for Court Reporting and Recording Services, adopted by General Order 16-12, “No agreement shall be made to expedite any transcript which will delay the preparation of transcripts necessary for appeals”;

·    A staff or substitute reporter may not be realtime certified or have the equipment to provide realtime transcripts; and

·    If a reporter will need to hire assistance to produce a transcript in one of the categories below (e.g., scopist, substitute reporter), the reporter must be given sufficient time to make the arrangements. If a reporter is unable to make the necessary arrangements to accommodate a request to expedite transcript delivery, the request must be declined.

If you wish to order a transcript from any category other than 30-Day (Ordinary), you are strongly encouraged to notify the judge’s court reporter of your request well in advance of the proceeding (or the division’s Deputy-in-Charge if the proceeding is scheduled before a magistrate judge or the name of the scheduled reporter is otherwise unknown).


Transcript Types

Fiscal Year 2025 (10/1/2024 – 9/30/2025)

Original Rate

First Copy to Each Party

Each Addt’l Copy to Same Party

30-Day Transcript (Ordinary)

A transcript to be delivered within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of an order.












14-Day Transcript

A transcript to be delivered within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of an order.


7-Day Transcript (Expedited)

A transcript to be delivered within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of an order.


3-Day Transcript

A transcript to be delivered within three (3) calendar days after receipt of an order.




Next-Day Transcript (Daily)

A transcript to be delivered on the calendar day following receipt of the order (regardless of whether that calendar day is a weekend or holiday), prior to the normal opening hour of the clerk’s office.










2-Hour Transcript (Hourly)

A transcript of proceedings to be delivered within two (2) hours from receipt of the order.


Realtime Transcript

A draft unedited transcript produced by a certified realtime reporter as a byproduct of realtime to be delivered electronically during proceedings or immediately following receipt of the order.

Orders placed on or before the day of the proceeding will be batched together for purposes of determining the number of feeds, and subsequent orders will be charged at the lowest page rate assessed on the previous orders.

1 feed, $3.70;

2-4 feeds, $2.55;

5+ feeds, $1.80.





Transcript in CJA Cases

In multi-defendant cases involving CJA defendants, only one transcript should be purchased from the court reporter on behalf of CJA defendants. One of the appointed counsel or clerk of court should arrange for duplication, at commercially competitive rates, of enough copies of the transcript for each CJA defendant for whom a transcript has been approved. The cost of duplication will be charged to the CJA appropriation. This policy does not preclude the court reporter from providing copies at a commercially competitive rate.