JUROR NOTICE: The recently reported issues with the eJuror system have largely been resolved, and we encourage you to complete your juror qualification questionnaires online. If you experience any issue, please clear your cache and cookies before trying again. Paper questionnaires that have been requested will be mailed during the week of 9/16/2024 and must be returned within 10 days of receipt.
Welcome to the United States District Court, Eastern District of Texas. Jurors play a vital role in ensuring that justice is carried out fairly and impartially.
Under 28 U.S.C. § 1861, all litigants "have the right to grand and petit jurors selected at random from a fair cross-section of the community." The court’s selection process ensures the mathematical odds of any single name being picked for service are substantially equal during each of the following two steps:
1. Every two years, a new master jury wheel is created by randomly selecting names from a source list that combines registered voters, licensed drivers, and state ID holders in the 43 counties that comprise the Eastern District of Texas. Periodically, names are randomly drawn from it to receive a postcard or questionnaire form that requires completion of a Juror Qualification Questionnaire. The names of those legally qualified are then put in the qualified wheel for potential summoning.
2. When needed, names are randomly drawn from the qualified wheel to receive a Summons, which requires a juror to complete a Jury Information Form, call to retrieve a recorded message on the day before your summons date, and appear for service unless instructed otherwise. (Some judges also require jurors to complete and return a case-specific questionnaire.)
We value our jurors and seek to provide excellent service to you. While doing so, we will never request your social security number to be provided over the telephone or online, and we will never require you to pay a failure to appear fine over the telephone or without due process being afforded to you. Please see the United States Marshals Service Jury Duty Scam Alert.
Using eJUROR
As you are required to respond promptly to our request that you complete your juror qualification questionnaire (within 10 days of receipt) or respond to your jury summons (within 5 days of receipt), we are pleased to invite you to use the federal judiciary’s eJuror online system, which is protected by Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, the leading protocol for safe data transfer over the Internet. To use eJuror, you must have your 9-digit participant number. As an outdated address or other incorrect data might prevent you from logging in, please call the jury office if we can be of assistance. If you provide your telephone number and email address when prompted and are later summoned, you will receive helpful reminders regarding your service. Your contact information is never used for any purpose other than jury communication.
- If you received a request to complete a JUROR QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE (via postcard or questionnaire form), complete your questionnaire within 10 days by using the link above or, if necessary, requesting a paper copy by calling 866-291-6747. If you have questions or need assistance, please call our toll-free Qualification Questionnaire Hotline at 866-291-6747.
- If you received a SUMMONS TO APPEAR FOR JURY DUTY, complete your Jury Information Form within 5 days by using the link above or returning the form attached to the bottom of your summons in the envelope provided. Alternatively, you may respond by telephone by calling us toll free at 1-800-998-9056. Division links and jury clerk contact information are available on the right (or below on a mobile device). Using the division link, you will also find parking and driving directions in the tabs below each division’s map. If selected, the trial may last 3-5 days. The judge will provide the anticipated schedule during jury selection.
- If you intend to submit a REQUEST TO BE EXCUSED, YOU MUST USE THE eJUROR LINK TWICE - first to complete the Jury Information Form, and a second time to submit your request.
- When you REPORT FOR JURY DUTY, follow the instructions you were provided with your summons carefully, including those that explain the attire required. Remember to bring your summons and photo ID. Weapons of any kind, as well as cell phones, cameras, laptops, tablets, electronic handheld games, and other electronic devices are NOT permitted in the building. Accessibility: Each courthouse is wheelchair accessible and has ramps and elevators for wheelchair access. If you require other assistance, please contact the jury administrator. For directions and more information on a specific courthouse, please select a Courthouse from our directory. Please also see the Jury Service video provided below.
Please be aware that even if our correspondence, or any postage-paid envelope we provide, reflects a different division in our district than the one in which you live, your responses will be properly recorded, and any petit jury service, should you be later summoned, would be in the division in which you live.