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Eastern District of Texas

Honorable Amos L. Mazzant, III, Chief Judge
David A. O'Toole, Clerk of Court


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  • How do I get my name removed from receiving electronic notices in a case in which my party is no longer an active participant

    If you are no longer an active participant in this case and you want electronic noticing to be turned off so that you will stop receiving filing notices, file a request for termination of electronic notice. [local rule (cv-11(e))]

  • Are my login and password issued by another district court applicable to the Eastern District?
  • It appears the court's electronic filing system is not operational. What do I do?

    In the unusual event CM/ECF system is not operational; please see Technical Failure Procedures.

  • I am new to electronic filing. Where do I go to find on-line training materials, FAQ's, and additional filing information?

    You can easily access all of our electronic filing information and training materials from our website under Filing.

  • My computer crashed and I was unable to submit my document electronically by the date it was due. What should I do?

    Please see local rule cv-5 (a)(9) and (10).

  • My electronic file is extremely large. Is there any way I can submit the document electronically?

    Yes.  A document larger than 15 MB must be split into multiple files 15 MB or smaller [local rule (cv-5 (a)(4))]. This may be done by separating portions of the document into multiple documents, none of which exceeds the 15 MB size limit.  Please see Filing Large Documents and Attachments for detailed instructions.

  • Can I file electronically if I am a pro se litigant?

    You are not required to e-file, but if you are a non-prisoner litigant in a civil case, you may request the court to allow you to e-file in that case only. If you obtain a court order approving you for e-filing, you must submit the Acknowledgement of E-Filing Requirements from Pro Se Litigant Approved to E-File in a Civil Case and then submit your request for e-filing access using your PACER account. Please see the relevant information on our ECF Registration page.

  • Can I correct my own docketing errors?

    No.  Once a document is electronically filed by a registered user and becomes part of the official record, corrections to the docket may be made only by the clerk's office.  The system will not permit the filing party to make changes to the document(s) or docket entry once the transaction has been completed.  Parties should contact the their local clerk's office for assistance.

  • Can I submit a document under seal electronically?

    Yes with some restrictions. For civil cases, see Local Rules CV-5(a)(7) and  for criminal cases see Local Rule CR-49

  • Can I continue to file my documents in paper format?

    Yes, with court permission.  Although electronic filing is required, Local Rule 5(e) provides that a party may, for cause, move to be excused from the requirement of electronic filing.

  • Can I file documents electronically in any case in the Eastern District of Texas if I have e-filing privileges?

    If you are an attorney, you may e-file in any public case. If you are a pro se litigant, please see the information provided in the FAQ above.

  • Can I file an application for pro hac vice electronically?

    Yes, but before doing so, you must complete the application form and use its integrated Email button to send it to us for consideration. Once approved, you will be instructed on how to docket it so you can pay the fee. Please follow the instructions located on our ECF Registration page.